A few Sundays ago, we attended the ABWE church in the town of Linde Velha about 20 minutes away from where Naomi and I live. Nick Rachevsky, a teacher in the high school, and his wife, Krista invited us to join them for service, where they regularly attend and are actively involved.
Singing at the beginning of Sunday school, accompanied by one of the youth on violin.
One of the future church members :-)
Krista and Noah (mid-blink)

Between Sunday school and the service, there is a coffee/tea and cake fellowship. They also sing Happy Birthday to whomever had a birthday that week. It is to the same tune of the familiar song, but the lyrics are in Portuguese. Naomi and I sang along in English.
A little someone was about to turn the lights off!
Adult Sunday school is held in the sanctuary, so there is a bit of transition between it and the service.
"Another picture? Really? Come on."
One of the families in the church just had a new addition, and her picture was shared during announcements.
The youth assist the worship leader through instrumental and vocal accompaniment.
Grandma's lap makes for a good spot to hold a coloring book!
After attending the Portuguese church, the Rachevskys came back to our house where we had lunch. Then, via Skype, we listened to the service at Naomi's home church in New Brunswick, Canada. It was great to be able to participate in an English speaking service!
Nick, Krista and Noah Rachevsky (and Bear)
I don't think I have attended church in a recliner before. :-)
Noah tried to help us with some pesky flies that were interrupting the service.
Now what chapter did the pastor say before those pesky flies interrupted?
Ah, yes, I found the verse. Thanks, Mom.
We had a great time worshipping together first at the Portuguese church then at the Canadian church. What a blessing technology is, especially on this day!