Sunday, November 15, 2009

Visiting the Church at Porto Alto

Last weekend was spent over the river about 45 minutes away at the home of John and Marilyn Rust, who have been ABWE missionaries in Portugal for over 20 years.  They planted a church a couple years ago in Porto Alto, which was off to a good start, but they encountered set backs when a couple - fellow ABWE missionaries and their longtime friends who were helping them with this church plant - had to return to the States because of health issues.  A national couple, who were also helping them with the church plant, relocated due to a job transfer.  So needless to say, it has been a difficult journey.  When I accompanied them this past Sunday, only one man came, Jose, along with his son.  His wife was home with their other son who was ill.

John and Marilyn Rust - They rent the conference room of a local motel, which they have for 2 hours each Sunday morning.

Marcio was intrigued with a project I was helping Marilyn with, so I showed him what I was working on.

He was a little timid initially but began to inch closer to check it out. :-)

John led praise songs including, "Seek Ye First" as Marilyn accompanied on the keyboard.

After praise and worship, I joined Marilyn and went into an adjacent game room where she taught a children's Bible lesson.

Marcio is an active, "all boy" four year old that was elated to get to use scissors for the craft!

He also enjoyed playing teacher by quizzing Marilyn on her colors.  He would point to a color and ask her the name.  After giving the answer, he would tell her "Muito bem."  [Very good.] :-)

Marcio loved being very expressive for the camera!

Pray for the little church in Porto Alto, that Marcio's parents will continue to grow in the Lord, and that Marcio will one day come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

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